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Unbreak Me Page 6

  I shrugged “It happens. I’m not sure what it is about you Caleb, but for some reason you don’t scare me, even before I came here. Just from talking to you on the phone, I felt more confident about moving in with you than I do about starting my new job,”

  “Why's that?” He asked

  I shrugged “I guess maybe it was because I already felt so comfortable with you on the phone. My new boss not so much,”

  “Oh, is your new boss an ass? If so I can beat him up for you,” He said shaking a fist in the air.

  I just shook my head and laughed. "I don't know, I'm so scared that I won't be able to handle being alone with him, or get too close to him ya know,”

  He nodded “Man I wish I would have known you were coming. I just hired a new PA myself. You would have been perfect for the job,”

  "Yeah, that would have been great. At least I would have known I wouldn't freak out with you. I haven't even met the guy; he had his current PA hire me. I start on Monday, but I won't meet him until later in the week,”

  I noticed his brow furrow. “Are you going to be working for an Architect?” He asked I narrowed my eyes at him.

  “Yeah, Why?” Instead of answering me, he picked up his phone and started looking at something.

  "Shit, how did I not realize this? This is amazing!” He exclaimed. Then he picked me up and spun me around. The sudden contact made me catch my breath.

  "Caleb what's amazing?" I said laughing now. He put me down causing me to slide down his body, and I gasped at the tingles I felt run through my body.

  "You, my dear are looking at your new boss,” He said with a smirk.

  “What?” I asked completely confused. What the hell is he talking about?

  “What's your boss’s name, Ari?” Shit what was my boss’s name? “Do you even know your bosses name?”

  "Uh…yes his name is… Mr. Carter. He is the CEO of C.C. Designs. Why?" I asked. I still wasn't sure where he was going with this, but his smile just grew larger as I spoke.

  He nodded. "Yes you are the PA to the CEO of Caleb Carter designs,” He said pointing to himself as he said his name. I pointed at him still in disbelief, can this be real. If so that would be one hell of a coincidence. He nodded "me babe,”

  I was so happy by this news that I threw myself at him wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He must have been shocked, because for a minute he didn't even move, but after a few seconds he wrapped his arms around my waist spinning me around while we both laughed. Well, until we heard a throat clear. "Uh… are we interrupting?" I heard a female voice say. My face flamed I can't believe I threw myself at him like that. Caleb reluctantly put me down, keeping eye contact with me as he did. I turned to face Tess and Jake. I smiled at them, and Jake smiled back, Tess just looked shocked. "Is there something you want to tell us?" Tess asked.

  “Oh yeah, I was just greeting my new boss,” I said with a shrug. “Who would have known the world was so small?”

  “What” they both asked? Looking as shocked and confused as I was a minute earlier.

  "Yep, we just found out Ari's my new PA. Isn't that amazing? Can you believe the coincidence in that? Your old roommate and best friend, my current roommate and now my future PA" Caleb stated.

  "Oh my god, that's great,” Tess squealed. “I can't believe that this is the job you got, wow!"

  "I know I'm so happy; I was so freaked about working so close with some guy, But it's just Caleb. So I don't have to worry anymore,”

  Caleb grabbed my waist pulling me back to him. "What does that mean? As I'm sure, you can recall from this morning I am one hundred percent a guy,” He pouted

  I looked up at him shaking my head. "Uh, ya hard to forget, my ass still hurts. I'm probably going to have a bruise," I said pouting my lip.

  “Ari baby I’m sorry, you know if you want I’d be more than happy to rub it for you,” He said pretending to be sincere. I smacked him and pulled away looking back to Tess and Jake.

  They were staring at us with their jaws dropped. “Um I think that’s probably something to talk about in private,” Jake responded.

  I looked at Caleb, then thought about what we said, and I laughed "You pervs. My ass hurts because I fell on it,” I said laughing.

  "Oh, thank God!" Tess exclaimed and then we were all laughing.

  I was so glad I made this move. I was enjoying being with all of them, they have really helped me open up already. Hopefully, soon I will be back to my old self-or as close as I ever will be.

  After breakfast Caleb and I got dressed for the day. We all decide to go out. They wanted to show me some of San Fran. We went all over, and I had more fun that day than I have let myself have in a very long time.



  We decided to go out to a bar when we got home from our tour. I was a little apprehensive, not wanting to have a meltdown like I did with Callie, but they talked me into it, and I knew in the back of my head I would be safe. We were leaving in an hour and a half, so I went straight to my room to start getting ready. After a quick shower and blow dry of my hair, I ended up fixing it by just leaving it down with a little curl to it and left my make-up very natural. I put on a colorful mid-thigh length floral dress and paired it with a pair of four inch strappy orange heels. I wouldn't say I looked hot, but I definitely looked cute, and I was more than okay with that.

  Caleb and I were going to drive together meeting Tess and Jake at the bar. As I met Caleb at the car, he leaned into me and whispered "You look beautiful babe,” Then he reached around me to open my door.

  “Thanks” I mumbled. I didn’t say anything, but he looked great himself in a pair of well-worn jeans and white dress shirt. He topped that with a black vest and striped tie.

  We only lived about a ten minute drive from the bar, so we were there in no time. When we walked in the first thing, I noticed was the band playing on the stage. There was a small dance floor, bar and some tables around the other side. We spotted Tess and Jake at the bar having a drink and started making our way to them. She was laughing at something he was saying to her. I couldn't help but smile at them; they were so damn cute together. Tess saw us and jumped up running to me and giving me a big hug. "You look amazing girl," she said

  "So do you,” She did she was wearing a dark pink dress that came to just below her butt that she matched with a pair of what had to be six-inch stilettos. All that extra height had her towering over me even more than usual.

  We made our way to the bar and Jake got up to say hello. He looked pretty damn good too. He was wearing black jeans with a white dress shirt topped with a black blazer.

  After we all had said our hellos, we took a seat at the bar and ordered drinks. We were in the corner of the bar giving us a view of the dance floor. I used to love to dance, but I just can't anymore. There's always some guy coming up to try and rub on you and I can't risk how I would react if one did.

  We had only been there for about five minutes when a leggy blond, wearing a dress that barely covered her ass and showed too much cleavage slid in between mine and Caleb's stools.

  It annoyed me a bit but only because we were in the middle of a conversation. She put her hand on his arm. "Hey Sexy" legs purred.

  "Hey," he said taking her in from head to toe. A smirk grew on his lips. "I was hoping I could steal you away for a dance,” Legs continued to purr to Caleb.

  He looked over at me almost like he was asking for my permission, so I just gave him a smile and shooed him away with my hands. It's not like he needed to ask me to dance with some chick. I could have sworn I saw him frown, but he masked it quick, gave me a nod and took legs by the hand to the dance floor.

  “I can’t believe Caleb would leave you to go off with that skank,” Tess screeched. I laughed at her bluntness.

  "First of all why shouldn't he. Second he asked me, well with his eyes at least, and I shoved him to the dance floor and third legs isn't that bad,” I laughed again.

p; "Ooh, legs love it. Well, why don't you come dance with me and Jake?" Tess pouted.

  I shook my head. Not going to happen. "Uh… no, I'm good. I just can't do the closeness yet ya know, I don't want to take the chance of some guy trying to dance with me,”

  She nodded "Okay, well will you be okay if Jake and I go dance?" She asked. I could tell she didn't want to leave me by myself, but I wasn't having that. She was my friend not my babysitter.

  "Of course, go…go,” I said giving her a big smile. I didn't want to sit here by myself, but I wasn't going to ruin their fun.

  I finished off my drink then looked over at the dance floor to see Tess grinding up on Jake. Then looking to the right I saw legs all over Caleb, but he wasn't paying her any attention, no he was staring right at me. I smiled and gave him a small wave. He gave me a nod. God I was so freaking jealous watching him with that girl, but I wasn't going to let it show. I don't even know why I was. I mean he is just a friend and we just freaking met. Plus it's who he is, the playboy, and that is not something I need. So I need to get used to this kind of thing.

  The more I drank though; I kept thinking what could one-night hurt? He is the only man I can let touch me, thinking of being touched made me think of Kyle, but what if being with Caleb could erase those thoughts. I shook that thought away though. That would definitely be a bad idea. He's my friend, my boss and my roommate. Three things I do not want to risk losing.

  I was halfway through my fifth drink and starting to feel a pleasant buzz, when the bartender brought me another. "From the guy at the other end of the bar,” He said nodding his head to a pretty attractive blond.

  The blond smiled lifting his drink at me. I gave him a small smile and nod in thanks. I finished off my drink and started on the next looking up as someone leaned on the bar next to me. “Hey, I’m Chris,” The blond said offering his hand and a big grin.

  I hesitated to take it, but in the end I did. “Hi, I’m Ari. Uh…thanks for the drink,” I said raising my glass and giving him another small smile. I can do this, were just talking I won't freak out. I kept telling myself as Chris continued to talk to me.

  “Of course, I hate to see a beautiful woman all alone, so Ari would you care to dance?” He asked.

  I shook my head “Oh, uh… no sorry thanks for the offer though,” I replied I was pretty tipsy from all the drinks, but I still felt uncomfortable being so close to this guy.

  “Oh, come on, It will be fun. Just one dance I promise,” he said putting his hand on my shoulder. I flinched from his touch, but before I could respond, Caleb came up removing Chris’ hand.

  “She said she wasn’t interested, so why don’t you back off,” Caleb growled

  “Whoa, sorry man, I didn’t know she was with someone,” Chris said backing away and heading out of the bar.

  I narrowed my eyes at Caleb “I was doing fine, I didn’t need you to come to my rescue,” I sneered at him. I was definitely beyond buzzed angry I couldn't even dance with a nice good looking guy and possibly still jealous over legs. I was not in the mood for a white knight to say the least. I wanted a chance to try and handle it on my own.

  “Whoa, sorry babe. I just saw how you flinched at his touch. I didn’t want you upset,” He stated

  “Well, as you can see I’m all good now. So go on legs is giving me a death glare that I really don't want” I snapped.

  He looked to see her glare, but when she saw him looking she smiled and gave him a small wave. That made me crack up. What a fake, I thought. I downed the rest of my drink and then got the bartenders attention for another. “How much have you had to drink babe?” He asked.

  “First would you stop with the babe shit? Second though it’s really none of your business, this” I said picking up and taking a large gulp of my new drink. "Is lucky number seven," I said with a grin.

  I saw him motion for Jake and Tess to come over. “Hey guys I’m gonna take Ari home. It seems she felt like getting a little drunk tonight,” Caleb said smiling at me.

  “Hey, I’m not that drunk and you don’t need to leave to take me. Go have fun Caleb, I can call a cab and you can just bring my car home whenever,” I said with a shrug.

  “No way babe, I am definitely coming with you,”

  I sighed “Whatever” Caleb helped me up and started walking me to the door.

  I could see legs in the corner of my eye. Her mouth was practically on the floor. “Hey, don’t you need to go tell Legs you’re leaving? “I asked

  “No” was his simple reply.


  We rode all the way home in silence. I couldn't get it out of my head seeing that guy put his hands on her pissed me off. If he hadn't of left like he did, I would probably be in jail for assault right now. Once I pulled into the garage, I came around to help Ari out. I can't believe she drank so much. I guess she just needed that numbness to forget everything for a little while.

  As soon as she started walking she stumbled and I had to catch her by the waist to keep her from falling on her ass. "Come Here," I said pulling her closer. Sighing I put my arm under her knees and carried her bridal style.

  I couldn't help but laugh as she wrapped her arms around me and the put her head in my neck and breathing in deep. “Did you just smell me?” I asked.

  She nodded and breathed “Mmmhmmm” into my neck, causing me to shudder. “Shit” I groaned. Damn just the girls breath gets me standing to attention.

  I guess she was feeling a bit daring in her drunken state because the next thing I know her lips were on my neck and as she spoke her tongue just barely touched it as well. "What's wrong Caleb?" she asked innocently.

  “Grrrrr! I’m only human babe,” I growled.

  She giggled then kissed my neck, breathing. “Sorry sweetie,” God she was killing me and did my house grow over night? I feel like it was taking forever just to get to her room.

  "Finally," I said as I pushed through her bedroom door and set her down on the bed. She reached down to try and remove her shoes and almost toppled over the bed. Causing her to start giggling and fall back onto the bed.

  I was still standing in the doorway shaking my head. "Ugg… you're killing me babe,” I groaned before going over to her and removing her shoes. I watch her struggling to pull her dress over her head and knew I should just leave and let her pass out as she was, but that's not what I did groaning "Why do I have to be a good guy tonight?" I said as I pulled the dress over her head.

  She sat only a foot in front of me, and when I pulled the dress over her head and saw she was wearing nothing but a lacy red thong underneath. I couldn't take my eyes off her and just about missed as she said "Don't be,”

  I was so mesmerized by her beauty that I wasn’t sure I heard her right. “W…What?” I asked looking into her eyes to see if I had really heard her right “I said, don’t be good tonight,” she repeated. What the hell, this isn't right she's drunk and as much as I may want to we can't do this. While I was in my thoughts, she literally ripped my shirt off as the buttons went flying. I looked at her in surprise and she just smiled. When I felt her fumbling with the button of my jeans, I used every ounce of reserve and stopped her.

  “We can’t do this, you need to go to bed and I need to go take a cold shower. You have had way too much to drink,” I groaned as she pulled me to her.

  “No don’t leave me Caleb, I’m sorry I’ll be good just lay with me,” She pouted

  “Fuck Ari you're killing me. How am I supposed to say no to that face?” I asked rubbing my hands down his face and then through my hair.

  "You're not," she said just before I felt my pants fall to my knees I looked down just as she pulled me onto the bed falling directly on top of her.

  She was using her feet to pull my pants the rest of the way off, and I groaned again. “I thought you were going to be good?”

  "Umm hmm, I promise it will be good," she mumbled into my neck. I quickly flipped us so she was on top. If anything was going to happen, I wanted her to be the one
making every decision. She leaned forward nuzzling into his neck and sucking lightly below my ear. Driving me to the brink of insanity.

  “Ahh shit, Ari baby as much as I really, really want you right now. We can’t do this, you are too drunk and you are too good of a friend. When we actually do this, I want to be sure you won’t regret it the next day……. I stopped talking when I realized she wasn't kissing on me anymore, and her breathing had evened out.

  “Thank God” I murmured pushing my hand through my hair in frustration. That was the hardest thing I have ever had to say no to, but at least she won’t wake up filled with regret towards me.

  I like this girl too much for that. After I had rolled her off of me, I went to her closet and pulled out a t-shirt. After about ten minutes of maneuvering her body into the shirt, I left her room and went straight to my shower. God what a night. That girl is going to be the death of me. After a long and yes cold shower, I finally went to bed.



  I woke up with a splitting headache. "Ahh shit,” I groaned. Sitting up and looking at the clock, I saw it was already ten thirty. As I went to get up, I noticed the water bottle and some Advil on my night stand. After quickly downing the pills and water, I made my way into the shower.

  I let the hot water run over me helping me to feel just a bit better, well until the memories of last night started to come back to me. "Shit!" I mumbled. God please tell me that was all some fucked up dream. I couldn't have been that way with a guy, even if it were Caleb. But I knew it wasn't a dream because even though I was pretty trashed, I could remember everything that happened with great detail.

  I finally find a guy I feel comfortable with and what do I do? Get drunk and try to seduce him after only meeting him like three days ago. What the hell is wrong with me? Never mind I don’t need an answer to that I already know. I am messed up in the head!!! God I hope I didn’t scare the poor boy away. I can just see it now. He’s going to want me to leave and find a new job. “FUCK!” I yelled. What am I going to do? He told me before I even moved in that there could be nothing between us.