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Unbreak Me Page 5

  At the sound of a throat clearing, Caleb stopped tickling me and let go. Tess was looking at me and Caleb with pure amazement in her eyes.

  “How… you… but your mom said you could barely even look a guy in the eyes. She said if a guy even touched your arm in conversation you would freak. She said you had this happen just a week ago. So what’s different now?” She asked in complete shock.

  I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. Caleb was the first guy; I've even been able to say more than a couple words to. Even when Jake shook my hand, I had to calm myself, but for some reason it’s different with Caleb. Earlier when he hugged me I started to stiffen but then I was able to relax, and just now I didn't even think about it,” I said shrugging again.

  "Wow, that's amazing," Tess said. I nodded.

  “Well sweetheart, since I am such a generous guy, I will let you touch me as much as you need. You know to help you get over your fear of the male species,” Caleb said with a smug smile.

  “Ya, ha, ha I’m good. Thanks for the offer though,” I replied laughing and shaking my head.

  We ended up hanging a few more minutes before Tess and Jake decided to leave, and I went to go shower. When I was done, I went straight to my bed and was out.


  I had been changing into my swim trunks, when Ari text saying she was here. I yelled out to Tess to meet her outside while I finished getting dressed. When I walked out of the house, I was looking down at my phone. I had just received a text from my friend Aiden, letting me know he would be back in town next Thursday. It looks like I'll have to have a party next week. I hope Ari will be okay with my occasional parties. I told her I would have them sometimes, but we didn't really get into how some of them could get a bit out of hand. Especially when Aiden was in town. There would be a lot of people and a lot of hot chicks.

  When I finally looked up at Ari, I literally stopped in my tracks. I was speechless; I had seen pictures of her from Tess, but they didn't come close to comparing to the real thing. Her skin was glowing and had my mouth watering for just a taste. She was wearing these tiny little white shorts and a green tank, which showed plenty of cleavage. As my eyes traveled up I stopped on the fullest sexy pink lips, I had ever seen. Shit! I could feel myself growing at the thought of those lips. All of a sudden she bit into her bottom lip and god I was done for. I hope to god these trunks are keeping me hidden.

  My eyes left her lips to meet the most innocent big hazel eyes. I think I could stare into her eyes for hours. I shook off my thoughts and gave her one of my panty dropping smile. Well, that's what I've heard girls call it.

  She smiled back and then extended her hand "Ari" she said. I grabbed her hand, but I wanted her closer. So without even thinking about it, I pulled her into a hug, and she stiffened. I was afraid she was going to freak, like she told me she sometimes did, but as soon as I spoke I felt her relax. “Caleb" I whispered into her ear.

  When I finally let her go, and we turned towards our friends, I thought Tess was going to shit herself. She was looking at us in pure shock. I just nodded my head and welcomed Ari to her new home. We all went and grabbed some of her stuff from her trunk and Jake, and I took the time to admire her sweet ride.

  After a short tour of the house, she went in to change into her swimsuit. While the rest of us went outside. "How the hell were you able to hug her?" Tess asked.

  I shrugged “I don’t know,” I replied.

  “Man the girl could barely even shake my hand,” Jake said

  "I don't know man, maybe she just feels comfortable with me, and we’ve spent a lot of time getting to know each other talking on the phone. She did stiffen at first. It wasn't until I spoke that she seemed to relax a little,” I replied

  "Uh… so how much time have you two spent talking on the phone together. You, my cousin are not one to sit on the phone for long periods of time. Well, unless it's for business,” Tess said in an accusatory tone.

  I laughed and shrugged my shoulders "I don't know we've talked a little bit every day I guess. You know, just getting to know each other before we live together,” I said nonchalantly. "I don't know why you're getting so upset. I was just trying to make your friend feel comfortable enough to live with me,”

  Tess narrowed her eyes at me, as I headed to the bar to make some margaritas. I know why she was getting upset about it though. She was worried I was gonna try to hook up with her friend, like I would any other hot chick.

  She dropped it though as Ari made her way out the doors. I heard Tess tell her to jump into the pool with her. From the corner of my eye, I could see Ari nod and start to strip off her shorts and tank to reveal a cute little red bikini. It was a pretty conservative swimsuit, but it's hard to cover all of her perfect curves.

  I turned and faced her to get a better look, and I was practically drooling. Of course, she noticed giving me a look and a raised eyebrow in question. I swear I think I may have been blushing. I don't fucking blush. What the hell is this girl doing to me? I wondered shaking my head to clear it

  .After dinner, we all went to the hot tub and of course Tess and Jake started making out leaving Ari and I to talk with each other. We finally talked about our work, and I found out we had graduated from the same school in the same field. She started making fun of my age calling me old, and again without thinking I pulled her into my lap and began to tickle her. She laughed and told me to stop, but never once did she stiffen or freak from my touch.

  When I finally let go, at the sound of a throat clearing, we turned to see Tess and Jake staring at us, she quickly moved off my lap. Leaving me feeling a little twinge of loss. I like to have her close to me for some reason.

  I do have to say when she admitted to the fact that she's really comfortable around me, I felt so much pride and happiness. I thought my heart might jump out of my throat.

  Feeling a bit overwhelmed about how strong my feelings were for her, I made a little dirty joke, saying I would be fine with her touching me whenever she wanted.

  I could see my comment made her a little uncomfortable, and I did feel a little sorry about that, but I figure if she's already comfortable with my touch it shouldn't take her long to be comfortable with my flirting and dirty jokes. That's just me can't change that.

  Jake and Tess left not long after that. So after a quick shower I went back out to the living room. I was hoping she might come join me, but she never did and I ended up falling asleep on the couch watching a movie.



  I was awoken suddenly to the sound of a girl screaming for someone to stop. I jumped out of bed running into Airs room. She was muttering something and thrashing around. “Don’t do this Kyle,” She yelled, and I realized she was having a nightmare.

  I went to the side of the bed to wake her, when the sheet covering her fell down to reveal a very naked back. I sucked in a breath at the way her smooth skin was glowing in the moonlight. I quickly pulled the sheet up to cover her; before she ended up showing me more than I'm sure she would want to.

  I pulled her to me and ran my hand over her head. She rolled to face me, and her eyes opened going wide as she took me in. "C…Caleb,” She stuttered.

  "Yeah baby girl, go back to sleep" I whispered to her while continuing to run my hand down her hair and over her smooth back. She had stared at me for another moment before she laid her head down on my chest.

  Her breathing slowed and after only a couple of minutes, I could tell she was back to sleep. Slowly I moved her off of me making sure the sheet stayed in place but before I left the room, I moved her hair from her face and gave her a small kiss on top of her head.

  When I left, I went across the hall to my room and straight to my bed. I don't know what it is about this girl, but all I want to do is hold her and keep her safe. Yeah, sure she's hot as hell and if she were anyone else I would have had my way with her already.

  Shit what is wrong with me, I don't look at a hot chick and think how I wa
nt to hold and protect her. That is not me; I don't do relationships or love. When you get close to someone like that, you get hurt. No one ever stays; they always leave and cause you pain, and that is something I am not going to risk again. I will not lose another woman I love and the only way I know how to prevent that is never to love one. I need to try and keep my feeling in check for this girl. Friends that is all she can ever be to me. I don't want to risk either one of us getting hurt again.

  Hopefully in the process of our friendship she will begin to heal from the damage that man caused her. She is too damn sweet to carry all that pain and guilt with her. After a while, I finally fell asleep, thinking of ways I could help to unbreak the beautiful broken girl across the hall.


  When I woke up, it took me a minute to remember this was my new room. When I rolled over, I noticed I had fallen asleep naked. I also remembered the horrible nightmare I had last night. I forgot to tell Caleb about those. I had at least one every night and always woke up hyperventilating. My mom said I would usually scream in my sleep as well. I hope I didn't freak Caleb out if I screamed last night.

  “Oh shit, Caleb” I breathed. That was when I remembered him holding me last night; I stared into his beautiful green eyes and felt safer than I had ever felt. Why was he in my room? He must have heard me screaming, that was the only logical explanation. My heart swelled at the memory of him stroking my head and back to comfort me. Oh, shit I'm naked, Caleb was holding me in his arms rubbing my back, and I was completely naked, I groaned, how freaking embarrassing.

  I was surprised when I looked at the clock to see it was already after eight. I’m usually up by five every morning. I threw on a little pair of running shorts, tank top and my running shoes. I was ready to go for a run, but as I made my way down the hall, I heard the sound of someone singing and playing the guitar to one of my favorite songs.

  As I turned the corner to the living room, I saw Caleb sitting on the couch with his guitar playing Lego House by Ed Sheeran. I stood there a moment just listening to his amazing voice.

  I shifted, and he looked up but continued to play and sing staring directly at me, causing my stomach to do little flip flops. If only he were really singing this to me, the way he played and the sound of his voice was beautiful.

  Caleb smiled shyly “sorry if I woke you,”

  “Oh, no you didn’t. I'm usually up by five; I guess I was pretty tired last night. You're amazing by the way. You never told me you could play and sing,” I exclaimed

  "Yeah, it's just a hobby, it helps me relax, kind of a stress reliever of sorts, I guess,” He shrugged.

  "Well, it was beautiful and one of my favorite songs," I said smiling at him. We had continued to look at each other in silence, before I decided to change the subject, feeling a little uncomfortable at how intense this moment felt.

  "Hey, so I was going to go for a quick run and then I'll throw together some breakfast,” I told him looking away towards the door.

  "Oh, that would be great. While you're on your run, I'll do my own workout then,” He said.

  When he got up and walked past me to go to his room, I grabbed his arm stopping him. I don't know what came over me, but I knew I needed to tell him this now before I chickened out. He looked down at me questionably. “I uh…wanted to say thanks,” I told him

  “For what?” He asked cocking his head to the side.

  "Well, for everything, but most of all for making me feel safe last night. I'm sorry I woke you like that,” I said looking down to the floor.

  He gently grabbed my chin pulling my face up to meet his eyes. "Ari do not apologize. What you're going through isn't your fault. Do you have nightmares like that often?" He asked.

  I nodded “Yeah every night, but there not always the same. I usually don’t scream like that either,” I replied.

  "Well, I want you to know I'm here if you want to talk about it,” I gave him a single nod

  “Thanks” I breathed before heading towards the door for my jog.

  “Anytime,” Caleb said giving me one of his beautiful smiles.

  I went for a quick jog and then went back to the house. After a quick shower, I put my still wet hair into a messy bun, threw on a small pair of shorts and tank top and made my way to the kitchen.

  I was surprised to find the fridge and pantry to be pretty well stocked. I decided to make us some omelets for breakfast. As I was chopping up some veggies, Caleb walked into the kitchen in just a pair of athletic shorts.

  God did he look good. He must have just gotten out of the shower himself because his hair was wet, and I could see a couple drops running down his totally lickable eight pack.

  I shook my head to clear my thoughts. You don’t think like this. What in the hell has gotten into me lately? My thoughts were interrupted when Caleb coughed.

  "Hey," he said with a smirk. I'm sure I was blushing, so I looked back down at my chopping.

  “Hey, so I’m making omelets what would you like in yours?” I asked

  “Oh yum, that sounds great and I like anything. Whatever you’ve got just throw it in there. Do you need any help?”

  "Uh no, I'm good, I have everything ready. Oh, do you mind getting us some drinks,” I asked

  He nodded and grabbed us both some juice as I finished making breakfast.

  Not long after we ate the moving pod with all of my stuff arrived. Caleb helped me bring all the boxes into my room, I had just started opening a couple boxes when he came in with the last one. "Hey Ari, if your good, I'm gonna run into the office for a bit. I'm on vacation this week and next, but I have someone new starting next week, and I want to make sure everything's ready for when she gets there. Especially since I won't even be there,”

  I nodded "Okay that's cool. I'm just going to unpack some boxes, and then I'll get dinner started. Is there anything you'd like?" I asked

  “Nah, I eat just about anything, so just surprise me,” He said

  I laughed "will do" Out of nowhere he pulled me into a quick hug. He must have felt me stiffen because he let go with a little frown on his face.

  He quickly smiled again as he walked away saying, "see ya babe" What the hell babe, really? I just shook my head and went back to my boxes. After unpacking. I went to the kitchen and made chicken fajitas. I had just finished pulling the tortillas out of the microwave when Caleb walked through the door.

  He complimented me on the dinner the whole time we ate. I was happy to be able to do something for him, because without even knowing he had done so much for me. I didn't know if I would ever be able to in the same room with a guy, let alone not freak when he touched me. After dinner, we both went to take showers and change into our pj’s. I put on a pair of short white cotton shorts and a dark blue tank and went into the living room.

  Caleb was standing there looking through movies wearing only a pair of basketball shorts. I couldn't help but admire the sculpted muscles of his back. He must have heard my gasp because he turned and gave me a smug smirk. I can't believe I let him catch me checking him out. Again! "So romance, action, Comedy or horror?" He asked holding out a bunch of different movies.

  I smiled and laid down on the couch, noticing he was checking me out as much if not more than I had just done to him. Though I know I was blushing, I raised a brow at him "Surprise me,” I said repeating his words from earlier. He just nodded his head and smiled. He put in a disk and then came over to the couch picking up my feet. He sat down on the other end of the couch and then put my feet in his lap. I tried to move them off, but he held them on his lap.

  The movie started, and I was surprised when the Notebook came on. Of course, he would pick one of my all-time favorite romance movies. I turned and smirked at him. "What, It's my favorite romance,” He said with a shrug.

  I laughed "Me too,” He smiled at me, and we relaxed to watch a movie. After a few minutes, he started to rub my feet. I was tempted to pull them away, but I stopped myself and tried to relax. It was hard though his touch b
oth scared and excited me. Oh and the massage felt pretty damn good too.

  I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up, I felt someone lying behind me and an arm draped over my stomach. My breath caught and I thought my heart was going to explode from my chest, when I felt the manhood that was pushed up against my ass. I first tried to calm myself and when that didn't work I tried to get up, but the arm tightened around my waist. I began freak even more, until I heard Caleb breathe into my ear, “Ari,” Knowing it was him, my body started to relax.

  “C…Caleb,” I asked my voice trembling. He pulled my hip, turning me to face him.

  When he saw my wide eyes, he started to freak himself "Shit Ari!" he breathed while sitting up quick. His sudden movement caused me to fall off the couch. Without even thinking I grabbed him to stop from falling, but instead I just pulled him down with me. He landed directly on top of me. Again I could feel every inch of him pressed into me. His eyes widened, and he quickly lifted up from me.

  "Oh, shit Ari, I'm so sorry," He said his voice laced with so much worry, When I looked at him I didn't freak though. I just started laughing at the frightened look on his face. I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes. It took him a minute, and then he started laughing too.

  After I had composed myself, I looked at him and smiled. "You looked like you were going to shit yourself. I thought I was the one to freak when I came in close contact with the opposite sex,” I said jokingly.

  “Funny, But why aren’t you freaking out,” He asked in confusion.

  "I don't know. I mean I did at first. When I first woke up, and I felt your hardness pressed against my backside,” I said gesturing to the tent he had in his shorts. "But once you said my name and I knew it was you, I calmed down," I said with a shrug.

  He blushed at my comment about his tented shorts. Then turned to adjust himself. I gave him a small smile when he turned around. "Sorry," he mumbled sheepishly. Man he was cute when he was shy.