Unbreak Me Page 9
I scoffed, "whatever man, I have not fallen for anyone. I just don't want you fucking with her. She's gone through a lot, and she's not a one-night girl. She's more of a forever kind girl,” I told him
,”Ya okay man, you feel nothing for the girl. If that's true then maybe I should go for her. She is definitely the kind of girl I could see myself settling down with. There is just something amazing about her,” He said with a shrug.
I glared at him. Trying to read how he felt and to my surprise, all I could see was the truth in his words. That was even worse. I couldn't let them be together. If I had to watch her with my best friend for the rest of my life, I think I would probably go insane.
"Hey, tell ya what, I won't do anything more than flirt all weekend, but I can't promise not to pursue something more with her. I'll take it slow though,” I just gave him a nod and left for bed.
What can I do? I can't keep her from being happy, and she seems pretty comfortable with him. Just two days ago she about freaked with just a small hug and handshake from Dan. "Uhhh" I sighed loudly. I've got to figure this shit out.
Friday work went by quick. We had a nice little party for Carla; I had grown too like her a lot over the week. I'm happy she'll get to go spend more time with her family though. After work, we went by the store to pick up some stuff for the party.
When we got back to the house, Aiden and Jake were in the living room playing video games. After Caleb had helped me carry everything into the kitchen where Tess was, he left to go join the other guys.
Tess and I went to work getting some snacks together for later. By the time, we were done it was already five and people were going to be showing up in a couple hours.
"So how have things been for you?" Tess asked once we were both in the privacy of my room. I never told her about my drunken night, or anything that has gone on between me and her cousin and I'm not sure I ever will
,”It's been good; work has kept me busy all week. I like the job though. I think I'll be able to learn a lot from Caleb; I'm glad I took this job,”
“That’s good, so what do you think of Aiden?” she asked with a knowing smile.
"He's cool, I feel pretty comfortable around him, so that's good. Oh and he is hot as hell,” I said with a smirk
"Uh yeah," She laughed.
“So far I've met Caleb, Jake, Dan and Aiden and they are all freaking hot. Are all the guys in there group hot?”
She nodded “Oh yeah, they are all freaking gorgeous. It’s insane that that many good looking guys are friends,” We both laughed
"So what are you wearing tonight?" I asked her; she walked to my closet and pulled out a tiny silver spaghetti strap dress. That thing was so short; I don't think it will even cover her ass.
“I know what you’re thinking and yes it does cover everything,” She stated before I could even voice my thoughts. "What about you Ari what are you wearing. I went to my closet and pulled out a black dress. It fits snug to my waist then it flared to above my mid-thigh.
"Oh, I love it. It's so you and understated sexiness to it,” Tess said while taking my dress to look at it more closely.
We took turns using my shower and then we did each other’s hair and makeup. It felt so much like our college years. We would do this before every party we went to over the years. I missed Callie, but I was glad to have Tess nearby again.
After we were satisfied with our appearances we walked out to the living room, where the guys were already dressed and talking to a few guests. “Don't you girls look amazing," Jake said as he walked up draping his arm over Tess' shoulder and kissing her on the head.
"Hey baby," she said
"Hey Jake," I said smiling at him.
“Damn look at the hotties,” I heard some guy say. I looked over to see a gorgeous, black man. He was hanging with Caleb, Aiden, Dan, and three other very attractive guys.
“That’s Trey one of the annoying eight as I like to call them,” Tess said laughing
"Hey, sweetie we are the elite eight. Thank you very much" Jake said with mock hurt in his voice. All three of us laughed.
We walked up to the group. "Hey, Tessie, who's your friend,” This cocky extremely good looking guy asked. He just stood there openly checking me out.
Caleb looked over at me, and I gave his friend a look. I was starting to get uncomfortable, but Caleb walked past His friend giving him a smack on the back of his head. Then walked up to me and draped his arm over my shoulder.
“This Kevin is my lovely roommate Ari. Ari these are my boys. This dumb ass right here is Kevin,” He said gesturing to the hottie with spiked blond hair, who was openly undressing me in front of everyone. "This is Trey" He gestured to the very attractive black guy, who had called us hotties,” You know Dan and Aiden,” He said gesturing to them. I waved, and Aiden winked. "This is James,” He said to an exquisite looking man with shoulder length dark blond hair and brown eyes. “And this is Drew,” He said gesturing to a guy I hadn’t even noticed because he was behind the other guys leaning against the table. He was just as hot as the others, but something in his eyes and smile made me feel like he was the good boy of the group.
There was something more innocent about him. He was definitely built; he had blond hair that was on the longer side. Some of the most beautiful blue eyes and a sweet smile. With all the other guys they just checked me out and gave me a smile or a quick hello, but Drew got up from the table walked up to me and extended his hand. "Ari I'm glad to meet you finally. Between Tess and Caleb I feel like I already know you,”
I took his hand without hesitation,” It’s nice to meet you too,” I told him
“Okay, boys were going to get a drink,” Tess said taking me by the hand and pulling me away.
“God that was just too much testosterone in one room,” I said with a laugh.
She laughed too. “You’re telling me. I’ve been dealing with it most of my adult life,” She handed me a shot. “Here were going to start with a shot of tequila,”
"Uh, you know I don't drink Tess. You know I can't handle my alcohol well,” I said not wanting a repeat of the other night.
“It’s just one and then you can drink what you want. You know the saying liquor before beer you’re in the clear. I just don’t want to be puking at the end of the night,”
“Okay, Okay. Sounds good,” I Said.
Clinking our glasses together, we cheered. "To friends" and then downed our shots. She poured herself another one, and I figured what the hell one more won't hurt.
After downing those, she poured us both a margarita, and we went back out front. The house started to fill pretty quickly with all their friends and about a dozen random girls, from what Tess said they were what she liked to call the groupies. I think just about all of them had the perfect model figure, and I didn't think it was possible, but every one of these girls were wearing fewer clothes than Tess. Seriously my dress showed plenty of legs and boobs, but compared to these girls I looked like I was headed to church.
I did meet a few cool girls that were dating some of their other guy friends. I hit it off well with Lizzy, who is dating James, one of the eight. I didn't even know any of them did the serious relationship thing. Well, other than Jake, but to my surprise they told me that Caleb is the only one of them who has never been in a relationship. He can be such a sweet guy; it just seems so weird to me, that he's like that.
The three of us had done a lot of dancing and a little drinking before Tess and Lizzy decided they wanted to go swimming. Tess had brought a swimsuit, so we all went to my room, and I let Lizzy wear a little black suit I had. I put on a little pink suit myself. There were a lot of people outside, but no one was swimming. So the three of us were having a blast until a few of the guys saw us and came to join. Jake, James and Aiden all stripped down to their boxer briefs and jumped in with us. Oh and let me tell you they all looked damn good.
James picked up Lizzy and put her on his shoul
ders. "Chicken fight" he yelled. I looked over at Tess, who was now on Jake's shoulders. Just then hands were placed on my hips, and I was being lifted onto Aiden's shoulders.
“Oh no, no, no. Put me down. I'm so not playing,” I screamed. Aiden Just laughed.
"Oh, come on beautiful, it will be fun,” He said looking up at me. God this boy was beautiful. I was still a little buzzed from my drinks, so luckily I wasn't too freaked out by all of this.
All of a sudden I heard a masculine voice yell out. "Hey, wait for us,” I turned to see Caleb and a cute little brunette stripping down. She wasn't like the other girls; she had been wearing clothes, and when she took them off, she had on a cute green bathing suit. She smiled at me and then looked longingly at Aiden. I could tell she had a big crush on him.
"Hey, I'm Kelly, Dan's sister; I don't think we've met,” She said once Caleb had her on his shoulders
,”Hi, Kelly. I’m Ari Caleb’s roommate and PA. Oh and Tess’ college roommate and friend,” I added when I saw her glare at me.
“Best friend” She pouted.
I laughed “Yes, Tess’ best friend,”
"Okay, if we are done with the introductions, let's make a wager,” Caleb chimed in.
All the guys seemed to get excited, but the girls groaned. “Does everything have to turn into a bet with you guys?” Tess asked.
“Hey Cuz, it makes the competition more fun when you know there’s a reward,” Caleb told her.
“Whatever, what’s the winner get?” She asked.
"Okay, how about this, all the losers have to take a shot,”
“Okay sounds fine with me,” I said
“Wait I wasn’t done, the losers take a shot, and for the winners prize they get a kiss from anyone of us that they want,” Caleb said winking at me.
I groaned. Until I noticed, how Kelly was shyly looking at Aiden. Everyone agreed, so I just shrugged my shoulders. “Whatever” I mumbled.
I haven't kissed anyone since… my thoughts trailed off I didn't want to remember the day Kyle changed my life. Even last weekend when I was all over Caleb we never actually kissed. Was I even going to be able to kiss someone? Shit what if I freak out.
Calm down, I will be fine. There are only two single guys here, and I feel pretty comfortable with both of them. So if one of them decides to kiss me I will be okay. Before I could analyze this anymore. I looked over to see Tess and Jake were paired up against Caleb and Kelly.
I thought with Tess’ long limbs she would have the advantage, but with all the extra height, it just threw Jake off and he lost his balance with one good shove from Kelly to Tess.
Next up was me and Aiden against Lizzy and James. Our battle lasted a little longer, and with the grip Aiden had on me, I felt safe enough to go for it. I finally got a good shove on Lizzy and James lost his grip, so she went back into the water.
Now we were down to the championship. Aiden and I against Caleb and Kelly. I saw Tess get out as we were about to start. We had been going at it for a while. I could tell Kelly was as tired as I was. Then I could just barely hear Caleb whisper "Tickle her ribs" to Kelly.
Shit no I am so ticklish. He found that out just a couple days ago, when he poked me in the side. I tried to dodge her attack, but the little thing snuck in close and tickled the shit out of me. I was squirming so much that Aiden lost his grip on my legs. “Oh shit” I heard him mumble before my body went back into the water.
"Not fair," I said laughing. "Tickling is not part of the game," I whined.
“There are no rules, you guys lost fair and square,” Caleb beamed. “Now it’s shot time,” He announced. I looked over to see Tess returning with a tray of shots.
“So ticklish, huh,” Aiden asked with a smirk.
“Don’t you dare,” I said in warning.
"Not now, but its good ammunition to have,” He said giving me a wink. I just shook my head, as we all took our shots like the losers we were.
"Okay, now for our prize," Caleb said while a grin spread across his face.
"You first little lady. Who will it be?" he asked Kelly. She looked over at me shyly, and I smiled and gestured my head towards Aiden.
She smiled back at me, then whispered "Aiden,”
"Me huh, little Kelly wants to give these hot lips a try," Aiden said with a smirk, causing Kelly's cheeks to turn bright red.
I elbowed him in the ribs. “Quit being such an ass and go give the girl her kiss,” I told him. He walked up to her, cupped her cheeks and gave her one of the sweetest kisses I had ever seen. He was so gentle with her.
As they kissed, I heard a loud voice yell “Why the hell are you kissing my sister Aid,” Aiden pulled away from Kelly as fast as lightning.
Throwing his hands in the air. “Whoa Dan, calm down man, she and Caleb won a game and that was just her prize,”
Dan looked around at all of us, we all nodded in confirmation. He just shrugged. "All right man, but don‘t fuck with my sister,” I could see Kelly getting annoyed by her brothers over protectiveness, but she didn't say anything.
Out of nowhere I felt an arm snake around my waist. "Now it's time for my prize," Caleb said looking down at me. He pulled me flush to his body keeping one hand on my back and the other on the back of my neck. Before I could protest, Caleb crashed his lips into mine. It definitely wasn't the sweet kiss Aiden and Kelly just shared. This kiss was rough and filled with passion. He licked at my bottom lip, but I denied him access to deepen the kiss. He growled and then lightly bit down on my bottom lip, causing me to gasp. That gave him what he wanted, and he took advantage thrusting his tongue into my mouth. Are tongues played with each other, like they had been friends for years.
This kiss just felt right. My hands had started on Caleb's shoulders, but slowly made their way to his hair. I had started to get into this kiss, and from what I could feel when Caleb pulled me into him, so had he. I started to hear catcalls and then Jake yell "get a room" and that brought me back from reality.
I slowly pulled away. When we were separated, we just stared at each other for a moment, before Caleb broke the silence. "Damn that was one hell of a prize,” He said smirking at me. I just shook my head, and turned to Tess, who was gaping at me.
"Come on girls I need another shot,” Without waiting for a response, I made my way to the kitchen. The girls all followed me, and we took about three shots before we made our way to the dance floor.
“Damn, that was one hell of a kiss!” Lizzy exclaimed
“Yeah, what the hell was that?” Tess’ asked accusingly.
"Hey, don't ask me, ask Caleb. That was all him,” I said.
“Uh, I would have to disagree, cause from where I was standing. You definitely were kissing him back,” Kelly said laughing at the glare I gave her.
"Yeah and from where I was standing, you both liked it," Lizzy added.
I just shook my head. "Yeah, it was a good kiss, so what?" I said nonchalantly shrugging my shoulders.
“And that look after? I have never seen Caleb look at a girl like that,” Tess said.
"Whatever guys it was nothing, now let's shut up and dance," I said before throwing my hands in the air and shaking my hips to the music. We had only been dancing a few minutes when a few of the guys came to join us. I felt a hand land on my hip, and I turned expecting to see Caleb, but to my surprise it was Drew.
“Hey Ari, do you mind if I dance with you?” I hesitated for a moment, but he had such a sweet smile and I didn’t feel freaked by his touch, plus I was a little tipsy from the drinks, so why not? I asked myself. I knew why I wanted to say no, and it wasn’t because of fear. It was because; I was hoping it would be someone else.
I took a quick glance around the room, only to see Caleb grinding himself up on the ass of one of the “groupies,” Ugh, why should I have thought one amazing kiss would make him act any differently?
Mine and Caleb's eyes met for a second until I turned my back to him. I leaned back into Drew and started moving my hips to the beat.
Drew was a good dancer, and he could definitely move to the beat.
After a couple of songs, Aiden came up to our group and not long after I was dancing sandwiched between Aiden and Drew. I'm glad I had a good buzz going, or I would not be able to handle this. As it was, I was starting to get a little antsy about it.
Out of nowhere Caleb passed by shoving Aiden closer to me. He was pulling the blond bimbo he had been dancing with behind him. I saw them head down the hall towards the office. I knew he didn't take chicks to his room. We had both locked our rooms from the outside so no one could go in without our permission.
"Looks like Caleb's going to get him some," Aiden said laughing. I was starting to get even more uncomfortable dancing between these guys. I got a glimpse of Kelly dancing with another girl right next to us, so I grabbed her arm and pulled her in between Aiden and me. He rolled his eyes and then pouted at me over her shoulder. I just smiled and shrugged. After another couple of songs, I decided to go get a drink, and excused myself. Aiden left too, but he just went to grind up on another one of the groupies.
Tess came up to me a few seconds later. “Hey giiirrrly” she giggled, slurring her words.
“Hey, where’s Jake?” I asked
"Oh, he went to find Caleb, were trying to get his room key. We are both too drunk even to make it out the door,” She kept swaying and slurring her words. Damn I don't think I've ever seen her this trashed before.
My thoughts were interrupted when Jake stumbled up to us. “Hey sweetness, I can’t seem to find Caleb, maybe we should just crash on the couch. Everyone is starting to leave anyways,”
Tess pouted, "But I wanted some loving Jakeeeey,” I couldn't help but laugh at how cute the two of them were together.
“Hey guys here,” I said pulling my key out of my bra.
“Nice hiding spot,” Jake said smirking and wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. Tess laughed at how I blushed.
“Whatever, you guys can have my room tonight. Just make sure no one else goes in, don’t get sick in my room, and you will be washing and changing my sheets tomorrow,” I said sternly.