Unbreak Me Read online

Page 8

  I looked at him for a moment. Making sure I didn’t let any of the emotions I feel show. “You better make sure of that, because if it happens again I am so done with your laundry, I do not want to touch something covered in yours and some slut’s nastiness. Ew” I shuddered.

  He chuckled. "I promise it won't happen again," He said giving me his sweet smile.

  “Whatever, know get out of here and get that thing disposed of. I need to go disinfect my hands now,” I groaned.

  He chuckled and went back to his room. Once I finished loading the wash I went to the sink and scrubbed my hands with antibacterial soap for like ten minutes. When I felt my hands were sufficiently clean I started making dinner. I couldn't understand why I was so upset about Caleb hooking up with that girl. I know he's a major playboy. I just hated that it was her. I Mean I freaking offered myself to him and he turned me down. Then the next day goes straight to that slut to get some. Ugh why do I care, I need these feelings I have for him to leave my head.

  After Caleb and I had dinner I went to my room to take a shower and then went straight to bed. I didn’t really want to be around Caleb anymore tonight, I knew all I would do is think of him and that slut together. Of course, that was all I thought about anyways. Until I finally drifted off to sleep.


  Shit I can’t believe I left a used condom in my pants. When she threw it at me, I felt so horrible. I don’t know why though. I don’t care if some chick knows I fucked someone the night before. In the back of my head, I kept hearing myself say this is Ari though, and I do care what she thinks. I ignored that voice though and played it off like I could care less what she thought about it. I could see the disappointment in her eyes though she tried her best to pretend she didn’t care what I did.

  Fuck I really don’t want to hurt her. I spent the rest of the night feeling like shit and wondering what she really thought about what I had done. After dinner, she went to her room to shower. I decided to set up a movie for when she came out, but after waiting for her for about an hour, I realized she wasn’t coming back out. I finally gave up and went to bed. Feeling like a fucking dick.



  The next few days went by pretty smoothly. Today was Thursday, and it was Caleb's first official day back at the office. We haven't talked a lot since Saturday, I mean it's not like we've been avoiding or ignoring each other. We just haven't spent much time together; he's been hanging with his boys a lot and I've been going to bed early most nights.

  He did tell me that there would be a party at the house on Friday. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I'm not good with being around a lot of people. Not to mention I have only met one of his friends other than Jake. His friend Dan works at the office with us. Oh and how can I forget his friend Aiden will be staying with us for a few nights, starting tonight. Why did I agree to that again? Oh yeah, because I didn't want Caleb to have to change his life to accommodate me. I don't want him to regret his decision to let me live with him. This arrangement has been exceptional. Well, except that little drunken incident of mine. Uh, I am definitely not getting drunk at the party tomorrow night.

  I had already learned most of the computer system here at the office, over the past few days working with Carla, so today I get to shadow Caleb. He wants me to see how his usual day goes. The day went pretty good. He even landed a new client, during our lunch meeting. Even though, Caleb said he only landed it because the client was hot for me. He's crazy. The guy was like old enough to be my grandpa. Ewe!

  We were now back at the house; we had just walked in, when I heard someone coming out of the exercise room. I turned to face him, and I swear I almost fainted. I mean Caleb is hot as hell, but there are no words to describe how amazing this guy looks, he definitely gave Caleb, a run for his money. He was only wearing a pair of low-hung athletic pants, and his skin was glowing from the workout he had just completed. Oh and those abs were like perfection. My eyes finally left his abs and pecks to look at his face. Full perfect lips and sexy brown eyes defined by beautiful long lashes. His hair was all messy from his work out. Man how I would love to run my fingers through it and fix it for him. Shit what am I thinking? I don’t even know this guy, why don’t I feel scared of him. I mean when I met Caleb’s friend Dan the other day I almost had a panic attack, when he just walked into the office with me while we were alone. Now here I am with this stranger thinking of the things I could do with him if we were alone.

  I closed my eyes and shook my head. When I opened my eyes backup, he let a little smirk play on his lips. Probably has something to do with the fact that I literally stopped in my tracks to check him out.

  "Well hello there beautiful, you must be the lovely Ariana. I'm Aiden" he said extending his hand to me

  .I took his hand “Hey it’s nice to meet you Aiden, but please just call me Ari,” He caught me off guard when instead of shaking my head he placed a kiss on my knuckles. I could tell this one was trouble with a capital T. I laughed. “I see you’re a charmer just like Caleb here,” I said elbowing Caleb in the rib. He was standing next to me scowling at mine and Aiden’s introduction.

  "Ha yeah, I would have to say Aiden is even worse than me. Sorry, Babe I should have given you a heads up about what a flirt he can be or well since you don't seem to mind it, maybe not,” Caleb said with a scowl as he glared at my hand that was still in Aiden's.

  I pulled my hand away and turned towards Caleb. "Whatever you’re a nerd. I'm going to go change then get dinner ready,” I started to make my way towards my room, when something came over me. I looked over my shoulder first at Caleb then to Aiden. "It was a pleasure to meet you," I said giving him a little wave.

  He winked "Oh, it will definitely be my pleasure,” I shook my head and went into my room. What is my problem? Why am I flirting with this guy? Yeah, he is hot as hell. But I just don't get my reaction to him. I didn't feel uncomfortable with him, not at all. I felt almost as comfortable with him as I was meeting Caleb, and Caleb and I had talked for a week before I met him. Whatever, I can't over think this. I should just be happy to not be losing control anymore. Maybe living with Caleb has helped me more than I thought.

  After a nice hot shower, I put on a comfy pair of short shorts and a tank top and made my way to the kitchen. During the dinner, the guys talked a lot about where Aiden had been. I guess his dad is a music producer, and his job is to follow around up and coming bands and get them to sign with his fathers company. Sounds like a pretty fun job to me. Listening music, going to parties and hanging in a new city almost every night. I think it would be most guys dream job.

  When we were done with dinner, the guys decided just to chill on the couch to watch a movie. I hadn't stayed up late all week. But tomorrow was going to be any easy day at work. It was just a going away party for Carla, and then we were heading out early, to get things ready for the party. So I figure why not watch a movie tonight. In the living room, there's a couch a love seat and a recliner. I jumped on my usual side of the couch, and Caleb took his spot on the other end. Like usual he took my feet into his lap and started to rub them. I don't even think he realizes what he's doing it's almost like its second nature for him.

  Aiden put in a movie and then instead on taking a seat in the chair or loveseat he pushed up my back and slid in placing me between him and Caleb. I turned and glared at him. “I was comfortable, before you moved me,”

  He smiled. “Ahh beautiful, did you really want me to sit by myself. If you want to lie down you can always lay your head right here,” He said patting his lap.

  "Nah, I'm good thanks, I said pulling my feet out of Caleb's lap and curling up with my head on Caleb's shoulder. Sure I was comfortable with Aiden, but Caleb seemed to be a safer choice for me.

  We ended up watching Transformers. It was cool. But I guess we were all pretty tired, because when I woke up, my head was in Caleb's lap and his hand was in my hair like he had been playing with it. I looked up to see he was asleep sitti
ng up with his head hung back. I could feel someone practically using my ass as a pillow. I sat up a bit to see Aiden laying his head on my hip. My feet were in his lap, and his arm was draped over my legs.

  I couldn’t get up with him on top of me. So I nudged him with my foot on his ribs. He squirmed and pulled my legs closer to him. I rolled to my back, and that was a huge mistake. Aiden face landed face first in my lap. Shit, I’m sure my face was fire engine red. Aiden squirmed again practically nuzzling my lady parts. Oh god, the worst part was that it was freaking turning me on, I could feel that familiar tingle down below.

  I reached down to try and move his head. He finally woke up and looked up at me. When he saw me, he smiled. "Hey beautiful," he whispered.

  I blushed again. He looked down to see our positions and his smile grew even larger. “Hey Aiden, do you think you can let me up?” I asked.

  He chuckled but got off of me. "Of course beautiful,” He sat up and then pulled me up with him.

  Thanks” I mumbled

  .Aiden was so close to me. He ran his hand down my hair. I flinched at first, but I wasn't scared of him, well not the way I usually am. "You are gorgeous,” He whispered to me.

  He started moving his face towards mine. Is he going to try to kiss me? I don’t even know this guy. I started to freak and stepped back, tripping on Caleb’s feet and landing on his lap.

  Caleb woke up and before I could get up he grabbed my waist, holding me in his lap. “Hey babe, I thought I told you not to fall for me,” He said with a sexy smirk, causing the butterflies to start swarming my belly.

  Oh god, help me, living here is going to drive me crazy. "Uh… I…Uh, whatever never going to happen. I tripped,” I said after finally composing myself

  . I removed myself from Caleb’s lap, as he chuckled. “So damn cute,” he said between laughs

  Aiden looked me up and down “Yeah so damn cute,”

  I couldn’t take them both practically undressing me with their eyes, so I took off towards my room. “Night guys” I called out.

  “Night beautiful,” Aiden responded.

  I had just climbed into bed when my door opened, and Caleb walked in. He walked towards my bed, so I sat up. "Hey babe, you okay? You know we were just messing with you, right,” I nodded. "I don't want you to feel uncomfortable, are you sure you're good?" He asked his voice full of concern.

  I placed my hand on his shoulder, reassuring him. "Yeah, I'm cool Caleb. I was uncomfortable for a second, but I'm good. I'm surprised at how well I'm taking this. I mean I just woke up with my head in your lap and a guy I just met today practically laying on top of me, and I didn't freak at all. So yeah I'm good, but thanks for the concern,” I said leaning in to give him a little half hug.

  He stood up then and headed to the door. “Okay babe, well good night,”

  “Night Caleb.’’


  I had spent the past few days hanging with the guys. I know I was trying to avoid whatever it was that I was starting to feel for Ari, but I just wasn’t ready to go there. I kept trying to get her out of my head.

  It was driving me crazy how much I thought about her. Even worse was wondering how she felt about me. I know when she got drunk she was all over me, but she hasn’t once brought it up. I think she just wants to forget it. Shit I don’t even know if she remembers everything. She was pretty trashed that night. I have gone out, and hooked up with a couple chicks this week. I’ve done everything to get her out of my head, but it’s just not working.

  Today is Thursday though, my first day back to work. Well officially. I still went in three times over my little vacation. When you own the company, it's just too hard to stay away. Ari and I were ready at about the same time. We headed to work barely talking on the way. When we got to the office, Carla told me Ari, was good to go with all the office stuff, so I decided to have her shadow me for the day. I want her to see how a typical day goes for me.

  I had a lunch meeting with a potential client today. So Ari and I went to meet him at this little steakhouse. This guy's name was Robert Carr; he is somewhere in his early sixties and from what I've heard can be a total perv.

  As soon as we joined Robert, I knew this meeting was going to put me in a mood. I don't want to see this old fuck undress Ari with his eyes. I swear I hate it how some rich people feel so entitled. I don't think he listened to a word I said to him through the whole meeting, but he still signed with me. Well, maybe having a hot PA is a good thing.

  As soon as we walked in the house I knew someone was there. As we walked out of the kitchen, Ari was right in front of me. When Aiden walked out of the workout room in nothing but a pair of shorts, she stopped dead in her tracks, and I had to jump back or I would have plowed her right over. She freaking sat there checking his ass out for what felt like forever.

  When they took each other’s hands, I was expecting her to flinch or show some form of fear, but she showed none. She sat there flirting with him. What the hell, she doesn't even flirt with me. She acts like she's known him for years. I ended up saying some smart ass comment, about her liking his flirting; I don't know why I let this girl get to me like I do. Maybe it's jealousy, I just don't know why. I have never been jealous over a chick before. I know I like her, but maybe this jealousy thing is more of a big brother protective thing.

  As soon as she went to her room to change, I pulled Aiden to the couch “Hey she's off limits. She's my roommate, my PA, and Tess’ best friend. She is not a one nighter, she deserves respect. Got It?” I asked him.

  "Whoa man, I got it. I will not make her a one-night stand, promise. Why the hell didn't you tell me how hot she was? She is fucking smoking. All those curves. Damn you've got to warn a man. I was freaking speechless,” I said

  I laughed "Yeah I noticed. I figured you had seen pics of her at Tess’ before. I do have to agree she is gorgeous. You should see her with nothing on but a little thong” I told him with a smirk.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Long story man, why don’t you go shower, I’m going to do the same. You don’t want to stink at dinner,”

  He nodded. “Okay man, but you owe me that story,”

  I laughed "We'll see,” I took off to my room for my own shower. By the time we had finished dinner, I had thought I was gonna kick Aiden's ass. Did I not just tell him Ari was off limits? Shit if they kept up this flirting, I was going to pull my flipping hair out. The worst part was trying to act like none of it bothered me. Ugh, why did I let it bother me?

  We all decided to watch a movie after dinner. Aiden said he would pick it out so Ari, and I sat down on the couch. We sat at opposite ends, so I took her feet and started rubbing them. I love the look of pleasure on her face when I do it, and I just can't help myself. Of course, Aiden couldn't just sit somewhere else. He lifted Ari up and then slid on the other side of her. She told him how she was comfortable before he moved her. Of course, he came back telling her she could lay her head in his lap. I was fucking biting my tongue. If she did, I would get up and leave the room.

  To my surprise she turned him down, then curled up next to me laying her head on my shoulder. I put my arm around her and looked over at Aiden, giving him a smug smile. He shook his head at me, but I just ignored him and went back to watching the movie. Okay, okay I was watching Ari. Only about thirty minutes in and Ari had fallen asleep, her head had fallen to my lap and I continued playing with her hair. God this girl was beautiful.

  I must have fallen asleep because I woke up with Ari and Aiden standing in front of me. I stayed quiet just watching them. I saw him stroke her hair and then he whispered something about how beautiful she was.

  He then started moving his face towards hers. What the fuck, he was going to kiss her. I was about to interrupt, but Ari stepped back from him, tripping over my feet and landing right in my lap. On instinct, I wrapped my arms around her waist. "Hey babe, I thought I told you not to fall for me," I said smirking at her.

  She had frozen for just a mome
nt before she responded. "Uh… I…Uh, whatever, never going to happen. I tripped,” I couldn't help but start laughing.

  She removed herself from my lap “So damn cute” I said between laughs. I saw Aiden check her out then repeat my words.

  She looked a little flustered as she started walking towards her room, and I felt sorry for making her uncomfortable. I know how uneasy she is with guys. "Night guys" She called out.

  “Night beautiful,” Aiden said to her. I shot him a glare and then got up to follow her to her room.

  “Hey babe, you okay? You know we were just messing with you, right?” I asked her. She nodded. “I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable, are you sure you’re good?” I asked

  She placed her hand on my shoulder reassuringly. "Yeah, I'm cool Caleb. I was uncomfortable there for a second, but I'm fine. I'm surprised at how well I am taking all of this. I mean I just woke up with my head in your lap and a guy I just met today practically laying on top of me, and I didn't freak at all. So yeah I’m good, but thanks for the concern,” She said.

  Then she leaned in and gave me a little hug. I couldn't help it, and kissed the top of her head. I stood up then and headed to the door. "Okay babe, well good night,”

  “Night Caleb.’’ She said.

  So she was cool, but I was freaking for a couple reasons. What did she mean by waking up to Aiden lying on top of her and what is this I am feeling for her? I have never had these feeling for any woman ever. It's driving me crazy.

  I went back out to the living room to talk to Aiden. I sat next to him and smacked him in the head. “What don’t you understand by she is off limits?” I asked him.

  He chuckled “Dude you’ve got it bad for this girl. I mean I can’t blame you, but I didn’t think I would ever see the day the mighty Caleb Carter has fallen for a girl,”